Vivian's Spider Web
This is a page to share info on spiders. I am 11 years old and love animals and nature.

Sunday, June 3, 2012
desert tarantula
Desert Tarantulas are a common sight in the Southwestern states.They generally hide during the day,choosing instead to rest under rock collections or in protective hole burrows that are abandoned in desert soil areas until dusk until night.As with most insect species,the male is smaller species though desert tarantulas in general are noted for their leg spans that can reach up to 4 inches long on the females .There bodies are also covered in hairs that are noticeable.these spiders will try to avoid contact with people but will strike if threatened or disturbed.its noted that tarantula bites should be venomous or seeking medical assistance is advisable.A desert tarantulas venom is to be reported as dangerous as a bee sting but allergic reactions may be worse.
the goliath birdeater tarantula
Theraphosa blondi is native to the rainforest of norther SouthAmerica.Wild Goliath Birdeaters are a deep burrowing species,found in marshy or swampy areas,usually living in burrows that they have dug or wich have been abandoned by other burrowing creatures.Females mate a lot and sometimes end up eating off their mates.Females mature in 3 to 4 years and their lifespan has an average of 15 to 25 years.Soon males die after maturity and have a lifespan of 3 to 6 years.colors on the legs range from dark to light brown with faint markings on them.goliaths have hair on their bodies,abdomens,and legs.The female lays from 100 to 200 eggs,wich hatch into spiderlings within 2 months.These spiders have a legspan up to 30cm (12 inch.)and can weigh over 170g (6 ounces).These spiders are onr of the few species that lack tibial spurs,wich located on the first pair on the legs of an adult male,wich serve to keep the males fangs immobolized during mating,so that the female doesn't eat him.Goliath birdeaters are quite harmless to humans,as are most species of tarantulas.Like all tarantulas,they have fangs long enough to break the human skin(1.9-3.8cm or 0.75-1.5 inch.).They carry venom in their fangs and are known to bite when they feel threatened,but their venom is relatively harmless and the effects are comparable to those of a wasp sting.also when threatened they rub their abdomen with their hind legs and shoot hairs into the air that are severe irritant to the skin mucas membranes.they have urticatinghairs that can even be harmful to humans,and are considered by most urticatin hair of all.tarantulas generally bite humans only in their self-defense,and their bites do not always result in envenomation (also a dry bite).These spiders have poor eyesight and mainly relies on vibrations in the ground so that it can sense from its burrow.also despite its name the goliath birdeater doesn't normally eat with other species of spiders (specifically tarantulas),their diet consists primarily of insects and other invertebrates.However,because of it's naturally large size it isn't uncommon for this species to kill and consume a variety of vertebrates.So in the wild,larger tarantula species have been sighted eating rodents, lizards,bats and even venomously/deadly snakes.While in captivity,Goliath bird eater's staple diet should consist of cockroaches.Spider-lings could be fed roaches or crickets that do not exceed the body length of one individual.DONT feed mice to the birdeater because its vitamins can be harmful to them
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
the hawaiian smiley faced spider
Found on the islands of Oahu,Moloki,Maui,and Hawaii this cheerfull little spider brings alot to these island.The smiley faced spider is known for its face it is a symbol.The spider's eggs are white.It's face is used to confuse hungry birds that eat the spider most dont make it.Why would anyone want to harm this adorable little creature.
The Amazing trap door spider
The trap door spider builds it's nest underground.It is harmless. Most of them live in funnels and the eggs are a weird color. I don't know much of them right now so this is all I can give you. Here is an upclose of one. some people think they are tarantulas cause of their size.They are known eat rodents in peoples houses.
the black widow
The black widow is very venomous its bite is 15x stronger than an rattlesnakes.Like all spiders they lay eggs but they lay their eggs in grayish silken balls.Black widows are known to live in barns,garages,basements,rodent holes,stumps,and trash bags.They mostly seek dry places.The widow female is darker than the male the male does not bite.The male is killed by the female after the femal constructs and lays her eggs in the sack.The egg sack contains up to 900 babies!!!After the eggs hatched they live with their mom for a few weeks then they leave just intime to start their own web.
The Pink Toe Tarantula
The pink toe tarantula is a spider good enough to keep for a pet if it is safe.It comes from brazil africa and some other places that we learn about.This spider might scare you if it jumps at you,hey did you know that they canjump up to five feet in the air thats taller than an 10 year old!!! ok but if you do want one of these beutiful creatures just follow these simple steps.ok you will need to buy some hermit crab soil a ten gallon tank a broken flower pot a watering dish and a huge rock.Then once you get every thing set out we can begin.STEP1:take your soil and smooth it out through you tank.STEP2:take the broken flower bot and set it down in the tank now this is its hiding place.STEP3:now we take the watering dish and fill it up with water then set your rock in the bowl.The rock is to keep you spider from drowning.The spider eats crickets every week.Ok if you do get bit i would call your doctor incase of allergic reaction.It is strange how this spider does not shoot its fur at you instead it rub's its hairs on you.To get the hairs get out of your skin your gonna have to get some duck tape put it on the place it rubbed its hair's on you then rip it off your skin after that rinse off skin to be sure you got all the hairs off.If you do have one for a pet please be careful with it they are very fragile!
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